MIDI Data Format
DME64N/DME24N Owner’s Manual
When the “Parameter Change Tx Switch” is On, appropriate Parameter Change data will be transmitted
when a parameter is edited via the panel controls, as specified by the “MIDI Parameter Change table” and
“MIDI Tx Channel” settings.
Refer to “Supplementary Information 1” for cases in which multiple messages are assigned to single
Refer to “Supplemental Information 2” for information on setting Parameter Data values.
Supplemental Information 1
Messages Transmitted When Multiple Messages are Assigned to the Same Parameter
The DME64N/24N MIDI transmit messages are specified via the “MIDI Control Change Table” and “MIDI
Parameter Change Table.” The “MIDI Control Change Table” and “MIDI Parameter Change Table” can be
set up via the DME Designer application.
Multiple messages can be assigned to a single parameter, but the DME64N/24N will only transmit one of
the assigned messages.
The transmitted messages are as follows:
• If a Control Change message and a Parameter Change message are assigned to the same parameter
the Control Change message will be transmitted.
• If multiple Control Change numbers are assigned to the same parameter the smallest Control Change
number message will be transmitted.
• If multiple Parameter Change numbers are assigned to the same parameter the smallest Parameter
Change number message will be transmitted.
Supplemental Information 2
Setting the Parameter Change Message Parameter Data Values
The Parameter change parameter values are expressed as 32-bit integers with or without parity.
• A parity bit (positive: 0, negative: 1) is added above the most significant value bit (bit 31).
• Fractional parameters will be converted according to the integer table.
• For integers with parity, negative numbers are expressed as the 2’s complement.
Status F0h (11110000b) System Exclusive Message
ID No. 43h (01000011b) Manufacturer's ID No.(YAMAHA)
DEVICE ID. 10h (0001xxxxb) Rx/Tx Channel (0-15)
GROUP ID. 3Eh (00111110b) Digital Mixer
MODEL ID. 10h (00010000b) Device Code (DME)
aah (0aaaaaaab) Parameter Address High
aah (0aaaaaaab) Parameter Address Low
Data Value
ddh (0dddddddb) data 0
ddh (0dddddddb) data 1
ddh (0dddddddb) data 2
ddh (0dddddddb) data 3
ddh (0dddddddb) data 4
EOX F7h (11110111b) End of Exclusive
• When value is 1000 (decimal) / 3E8h (hexadecimal):
• When value is 1000 (decimal) / FFFFFC18h (hexadecimal; 2’s complement of 3E8h):