
Using, Creating and Editing Voices
Voice Creating (Sound Creator)
CVP-305/303/301 Owner’s Manual
Editable Parameters in the SOUND CREATOR [ORGAN FLUTES]
The following covers in detail the editable parameters that are set in the displays
explained in step 3 of the “Basic Procedure” on page 89. The Organ Flutes param-
eters are organized into three different pages. The parameters in each page are
described separately, below. These are also treated as part of the Voice Set parame-
ters (page 96), which are automatically called up when the Voice is selected.
FOOTAGE, VOLUME/ATTACK (common parameters)
ORGAN TYPE Specifies the type of organ tone generation to be simulated: Sine or
ROTARY SP SPEED Alternately switches between the slow and fast rotary speaker
speeds when a rotary speaker effect is selected for the Organ Flutes
(see “EFFECT/EQ” DSP TYPE parameter on page 93), and the Voice
Effect DSP (page 93) is turned on (this parameter has the same effect
as the Voice Effect VARIATION ON/OFF parameter).
VIBRATO ON/OFF Alternately turns the vibrato effect for the Organ Flutes Voice ON or
VIBRATO DEPTH Sets the Vibrato depth to one of three levels: 1 (low), 2 (mid), or 3
The term “footage” is a reference
to the sound generation of tradi-
tional pipe organs, in which the
sound is produced by pipes of
different lengths (in feet).
5 1/3'
Switches the controllable footage (by using the [D] button), between 16'
and 5 1/3'.
Determines the basic sound of the organ flutes. The longer the pipe, the
lower the pitch of the sound. Hence, the 16' setting determines the low-
est pitched component of the Voice, while the 1' setting determines the
highest pitched component. The higher the value of the setting, the
greater the volume of the corresponding footage. Mixing various vol-
umes of the footages lets you create your own distinctive organ sounds.
VOL Adjusts the overall volume of the Organ Flutes. The longer the
graphic bar, the greater the volume.
RESP Affects both the attack and release (page 92) portion of the sound,
increasing or decreasing the response time of the initial swell and
release, based on the FOOTAGE controls. The higher the value, the
slower the swell and release.
VIBRATO SPEED Determines the speed of the vibrato effect controlled by the Vibrato
On/Off and Vibrato Depth above.
MODE The MODE control selects between two modes: FIRST and EACH.
In the FIRST mode, attack is applied only to the first notes played
and held simultaneously; while the first notes are held, any subse-
quently played notes have no attack applied. In the EACH mode,
attack is applied equally to all notes.
4', 2 2/3', 2' These determine the attack sound volume of the ORGAN FLUTE
Voice. The 4', 2-2/3' and 2' controls increase or reduce the volume
of attack sound at the corresponding footages. The longer the
graphic bar, the greater the attack sound volume.
LENG Affects the attack portion of the sound producing a longer or shorter
decay immediately after the initial attack. The longer the graphic
bar, the longer the decay.