Error Messages
Trouble Shooting
One of the following messages may appear in the MAGICSTOMP’s display if an error
occurs during operation. If so, please stop operation and check the following points to find
a solution to the problem.
The data being bulk transmitted is damaged. After restoring
(overwrite, store, etc.) the user patch data that corresponds
to the patch number, try transmitting the data again.
An error occurred while transmitting data. Check the USB
cable connection, computer settings, etc.
An error occurred while transmitting or receiving bulk data.
Check the USB cable connection. Also, if the error occurs
about halfway through the operation, setting the interval speed
to a slower setting sometimes solves the problem.
The hardware is damaged. Please contact the dealer from
whom you purchased the product.
• No Sound
→ Is the power adapter properly connected?
→ Is the volume control on the instrument connected to the INPUT jack turned up?
→ Is the volume knob set to “0”?
→ Is the effect’s output level set to “0”?
• Sound level is low
→ Switch the input level to the “HIGH” position. (→ P.10)
• Effect is not active
→ Is the effect’s output level set to “0”?
→ Is the effect switched OFF (all lamps are off)?
• Can not change to another patch
→ Check the display. If the MAGICSTOMP is in its Tuner Mode (→ P.24) or Name Edit Mode
(→ P.20) you can not change to another patch.
• Adjusting the control knob has no effect on the sound
→ Rotate the knob until the value shown on the display changes, and then try setting. (→ P.14)