DME Setup Manual 21
devices added to the Target Device List (1) by pressing
the [NEW] or [DUPLICATE] buttons will only actually be
registered for communication with the DME-N Network
Driver when the [Apply] button is pressed.
3 [Advanced Settings] Button
Opens the “Advanced Settings” window. This window
provides access to advanced settings. For details
refer to the section below.
“Advanced Settings” Window
Click the [Advanced Settings] button in the “DME-N
Network Driver” window to open the “Advanced
Settings” window. The parameters in this window set
up the DME-N Network Driver for automatic device
detection, and allow saving and loading setup files.
Auto Detect
Allows automatic detection of connected devices that
can communicate with the DME-N Network Driver. A
maximum of 254 addresses (***.***.***.1 through
***.***.***.254) can be detected.
n Only MAC addresses of devices on the same subnet as the
computer can be detected. Before searching for MAC
addresses make sure that the computer is connected to the
subnet to be searched, and that an appropriate IP address
is assigned.
1 Detect from
Specifies the start IP address for automatic detection.
2 Detect to
Specifies the end IP address for automatic detection.
3 Currently searching
Displays the IP address being checked during
automatic detection. No display when automatic
detection is not in progress.
4 [Start] Button
Initiates automatic detection, and causes the detected
device list (6) to be updated accordingly. This button
is grayed out and is not accessible during automatic
5 [Abort] Button
Aborts automatic detection. This button is grayed out
when automatic detection is not in progress.
6 Detected Device List
This list shows all detected devices that are capable of
communication with the DME-N Network Driver. No
devices will be displayed initially.
[Add] Checkbox
Checked devices will be added to the Target Device List
when the [Add to Device List] button (below) is clicked.
Devices that are already registered cannot be checked.
[Device IP Address]
The IP address of the corresponding detected device.
[Device Name]
If a name has been registered for the detected device it
will be displayed here, otherwise no name will be
[Device MAC Address]
The MAC address of the corresponding detected device.
7 [Add to Device List] Button
Devices with checked [Add] checkboxes will be
added to the Target Device List when this button is
8 [Cancel] Button
Closes the window without making any changes.
9 [Import Setup from File] Button
When working in a different environment it is possible
to load a previously saved setup file. Click to open the
“Open” window. Select a setup file and then click the
[Open] button to import the corresponding settings.
) [Export Setup to File] Button
It is possible to save the setup data to a file that can
then be reloaded when working in a different
environment. Click to open the “Save As” window.
Enter a file name and click the [Save] button to save
the setup file.