Post-operation care
To keep your watercraft in top shape, always
take it out of the water after using it and per-
form the following procedures. Leaving the
watercraft in the water for extended periods
will accelerate the rate of normal deterioration
of the jet unit components and hull finish. Ma-
rine organisms and corrosion are some of the
conditions that can adversely affect the life of
many watercraft components.
(1) Remove the watercraft from the water.
(2) Wash down the hull, handlebars, and jet
unit with fresh water.
(3) Remove the seat and check the engine
compartment for water. To drain excess
water, remove the stern drain plugs, and
then raise the bow of the watercraft
enough to allow the water in the bilge to
drain out.
This watercraft is equipped with a jet vacuum
bilge draining system and an electric bilge
draining system that remove water from the
engine compartment while you are underway.
However, some residual water will remain.
(See page 65 for bilge draining procedures.)
(4) Place the watercraft in a horizontal posi-
(5) Flush the cooling system to prevent it
from clogging with salt, sand, or dirt. (See
page 86 for flushing procedures.)
(6) Drain residual water from the exhaust
system by alternately squeezing and re-
leasing the throttle lever for 10 to 15 sec-
onds while the engine is running.
Do not run the engine for more than 15
seconds without supplying water, other-
wise the engine could overheat.
(7) Rinse the engine and engine compart-
ment with a small amount of water.
Do not use high-pressure water when rins-
ing the engine or engine compartment as
severe engine damage could result.
(8) Wipe the engine and engine compart-
ment dry with a clean cloth (repeat step 3,
if necessary).
(9) Wipe the hull, handlebars, and jet unit dry
with a clean cloth.
(10)Spray a rust inhibitor, such as Yamaha
Silicone Protectant and Lubricant, on me-
tallic parts to minimize corrosion.
(11)Allow the engine compartment to air dry
completely before installing the seat.
UF1W10E0.book Page 84 Monday, November 26, 2007 3:57 PM