You can select from the following sound fields when playing music sources, like CD_ FMAM broadcasting, tapes, etc.
Program selection methods vary depending on sound field program types. For details on how to
select sound field programs, see "Selecting sound field programs" on pages 26 to 30.
control Program Features Sources
STEREO: 2-channel (left and fight) playback
2ch SLereo
1 2-(H
STEREO: use to increase the output stereo sources (in ste:eo) fiom all speakers. This
5ch Stereo _rovides a larger sound field and is ideal tbr backgro:md music at parties, etc.
Mum [ C: HiFi DSP processing. A classic shoe-box type conce_t hall with approximately
Ha [ I i n V ienna 1700 seats. Pillars and ornate cms,ings create exnemely complex reflections
which produce a re:), fifll, rich sound
Mum [ C: HiFi DSP processing. This is the sound field at stage fiont in "The Bottom
2 The gttm L i ne Line", a famous New 5%rk jazz chlb The floor can seat 300 people to the left
and rigN in a sound field offering a real and vibrant sound. MULTI
Mum I C: HiFi DSP processing. The ideal program for lively, dynamic rock nmsic. The 2-CH
The Roxy Thtr data for this program was recorded at LA's "hottest" rock chlb The listener's
vim:al seat is at the center-left of the hall
ENTERTA INMENT: HiFi DSP processing. This program recreates the acoustic environment of a
3 D i SCO lively disco in the hemt of a big city The sound is dense and highly
concent:ated. It is also characte:ized by high-energ?: "immediate" sound
SUR. STANDARD Standardprocessingtbrtheselecteddecoder
SUR. ENHANCED Enhancedprocessingtb: theselecteddecode: 2-CH