Yamaha Professional Audio M7CL StageMix V4.5 User Guide
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assigned (e.g. a Gate cannot be assigned to Dynamics Processor 2).
In this case, the [PASTE] button will be greyed out and inactive.
5.6.3 Dynamics On
The [DYN ON] button turns the Dynamics On/Off. This button is purple
when On and grey when it is Off.
5.6.4 Dynamics Type
A button above each Dynamics curve display allows the Dynamics
Type to be selected.
Press this button then select the Processor Type from the drop-down
5.6.5 Threshold
All Dynamics processors have a Threshold parameter. This parameter
value is set using a vertical slider to the left of the Dynamics curve
display. Next to the Threshold slider is a meter which displays the level
of the Key In signal. By default, the Key In signal is the channel’s own
signal (Self), post EQ. But if the Key In is changed to any other signal,
this meter will display that signal’s level.
5.6.6 Range and Ratio
Depending on the Dynamics Processor type, a Range or Ratio
parameter will be adjustable using a vertical slider to the right of the
dynamics curve.
In and Out meters appear to the right of this vertical slider. The In
meter displays the signal level going into each dynamics processor and
the Out meter displays the signal level after dynamics processing.
5.6.7 Other Dynamics Parameters
All other dynamics processing parameters are adjusted using horizontal
sliders below each dynamics curve.
For Compressor and Expander processors, the value for the Knee
parameter is selected using a range of buttons ranging from Hard to 5.