MCX-2000 Owner’s Manual
When you add a new timer program, the playback timer is
automatically turned on. It keeps active as long as the
program list contains programs. In addition, you can
manually turn off or on the playback timer using the Timer
command from the Submenu.
n Timer ON/OFF commands activates and deactivates the playback
timer itself, not individual timer programs. If you want to deactivate a
specific timer program, open the timer program list screen to specify
other playback time or delete the program by selecting Clear.
When the specified start time arrives, the MCX-2000
automatically starts playing the content, showing the Play
information screen according to the content.
n The specified content will continue playing until the specified end time
arrives. If the content is a playlist shorter than the duration specified
with the Start and End parameters, playback will stop without waiting
for the end time. In this case, the program still remains in the timer
program list. In addition, if you use any playback controls (start, stop,
skip forward or backward, etc.) or change playback modes (repeat,
random and broadcast) AFTER the MCX-2000 starts the timer
playback, the timer playback is immediately canceled and the current
program disappears right away from the program list. So, if you want
to use playback modes along with the playback timer, set them
BEFORE the timer starts playback. In this case, the MCX-2000 plays
the content according to the current playback mode settings.
Using a Yamaha AV Receiver
If you’re using one of supported Yamaha AV receiver
products (page 102), you can connect it with the MCX-2000
for integrated operations including synchronized power on/
off or processing the MCX-2000 audio signals using a
suitable surround program on the AV receiver. For this
application, you need additional cable connections as in the
diagram below.
Use an RS-232C cross cable (sold separately) and connect
RS-232C ports on both units. Also connect the MCX-2000
analog or digital output to suitable input jack(s) on the AV
receiver. Note this jack name because you need to specify it
for the Receiver Input parameter (see below).
1 Select Top Menu > Setup > YAMAHA AV Receiver for
the following screen.
n The above setup screen doesn’t appear if you’ve not connected a
supported Yamaha AV receiver to the MCX-2000. You will see an alert
message instead.
YAMAHA AV Receiver
AV receiver setup screen