MG20XU/MG20/MG16XU/MG16/MG12XU/MG12 Owner’s Manual
Effect Programs
* “LFO” stands for Low Frequency Oscillator. An LFO is normally used to periodically modulate another signal, using different waveform
shapes and modulation speeds.
No. Program Parameter Description
1 REV HALL 1 Reverb Time
Reverb simulating a large space such as a concert hall.
2 REV HALL 2 Reverb Time
3 REV ROOM 1 Reverb Time
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a small space (room).
4 REV ROOM 2 Reverb Time
5 REV STAGE 1 Reverb Time
Reverb simulating a large stage.
6 REV STAGE 2 Reverb Time
7 REV PLATE Reverb Time
Simulation of a metal-plate reverb unit, producing a more hard-edged rever-
8 DRUM AMB Reverb Time A short reverb that is ideal for use with a drum kit.
9 EARLY REF Room Size
An effect which isolates only the early reflection components from reverbera-
tion, creating a ‘flashier’ effect than conventional reverb.
10 GATE REV Room Size
An effect which cuts halfway the tail-end of the reverberation, making a more
powerful sound.
11 SINGLE DLY Delay Time
An effect which repeats the same sound only once. Shortening the delay time
produces a doubling effect.
12 DELAY Delay Time Feedback delay adding multiple delayed signals.
13 VOCAL ECHO Delay Time Echo designed for conventional vocals.
14 KARAOKE Delay Time Echo designed for karaoke (sing-along) applications.
15 PHASER LFO* Freq Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation to the sound.
Adds modulation to the sound, producing an effect similar to the rise and fall
sound of a jet engine.
17 CHORUS 1 LFO* Freq
Creates a thicker ensemble-like sound by adding the multiple sounds with dif-
ferent delay times.
18 CHORUS 2 LFO* Freq
19 SYMPHONIC LFO* Depth Multiplies the sound for thicker texture.
20 TREMOLO LFO* Freq An effect which cyclically modulates the volume.
A wah-wah effect with cyclical filter modulation. The [PARAMETER] knob
adjusts the speed of the LFO* that modulates the “wah” filter.
22 RADIO VOICE Cutoff Offset
Recreates the lo-fi sound of an AM radio. The [PARAMETER] knob adjusts
the frequency band to be emphasized.
23 DISTORTION Drive Adds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound.
24 PITCH CHANGE Pitch An effect which changes the pitch of the signal.