
RPN (Registered parameter number) LSB/MSB: 64H/65H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0 to 127
101 RPN MSB 0 to 127
Default: 7F 7FH
If multipart parameter “Rcv RPN” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
The following parameters are supported.
NRPN Data-entry
LSB MSB MSB Parameter Data Range
00H 00H mmH Pitchbend Sensitivity mm: 00H-40H-7FH (-64-0-+63)
Default: 02H
LSB value is ignored.
Minimum operational range is 00H00H-0CH00H (± octave).
01H 00H mmH Fine Tune mm: 00H-40H-7FH (-64-0-+63)
Default: 40 00H
02H 00H mmH Coarse Tune mm: 00H-40H-7FH (-64-0-+63)
Default: 40 00H
7FH 7FH Null
All Sound Off: 78H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
120 0
Switches off sound from all parts.
Does not reset the settings established by Channel Messages.
Reset All Controllers: 79H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
121 0
Resets the following values: Pitchbend, Modulation, Expression, Sustain, Registered Param-
eter Number, parameter settings.
Resets portamento control. Specifically, clears condition in which source (Portamento
Control Message) has been received but target (new Key On) has not.
Leaves the following values unchanged: Program Change, Bank Select MSB/LSB, Vol-
ume, Pan, Dry Send Level, Effects Send Levels 1 ~ 5, Pitchbend Sensitivity, Fine Tuning,
Coarse Tuning.