
MIDI Data format - 103
Checksum 0eeeeeee
EOX 11110111 (F7H)
3 System Set-up Bulk Data
When a MIDI BULK DUMP operation is performed with the "SYSTEM" ITEM selected or when a System
Set-up Bulk Data Request message is received, the data is transmitted on the currently set MIDI channel.
Status 11110000 (F0H)
ID Number 01000011 (43H)
Sub Status 0000nnnn (0nH) n = 0 (channel number1) ~ 15 (channel number 16)
Format Number 01111110 (7EH)
Byte Count (MSB) 00000000 (00H)
Byte Count (LSB) 00010101 (15H)
Header 01001100 (4CH) ASCII “L”
01001101 (4DH) ASCII “M”
00100000 (20H) ASCII “ ”
00100000 (20H) ASCII “ ”
00111000 (38H) ASCII “8”
01000001 (41H) ASCII “A”
00110110 (36H) ASCII “6”
00110011 (33H) ASCII “3”
Data Name 01010011 (53H) ASCII “S”
00100000 (20H) ASCII “ ”
Soft Version Number 0vvvvvvv v = 1
0rrrrrrr r = 0
Data 0ddddddd
... 9 Bytes
Checksum 0eeeeeee
EOX 11110111 (F7H)
4 Parameter Change
When a Parameter Value Request message is received, the parameter data is transmitted on the currently set
MIDI channel.
Status 11110000 (F0H)
ID Number 01000011 (43H)
Sub Status 0001nnnn (1nH) n = 0 (channel number1) ~ 15 (channel number 16)
Group/Sub Group 00011110 (1EH)
Device Code 00000011 (03H)
Parameter Number 0nnnnnnn 1st byte
0nnnnnnn 2nd byte
Parameter Data 0ddddddd
... 8 bytes
EOX 11110111 (F7H)
5 All Bulk Data
When a MIDI BULK DUMP operation is performed with the "ALL" ITEM selected, the data is transmitted
on the currently set MIDI channel. All program data, all program change bank data, and all system set-up
data will be transmitted in the following order:
1 Program Bulk Data - program 1 to program 00 (100)
2 Program Change Bank Bulk Data - bank A to bank B
3 System Set-up Bulk Data