Major New Features
Automatically rearranges a looped breakbeat into new variations. Gives you lots of new
mileage out of your breakbeat patterns. Go to [EDIT]:[TRIM/LOOP]:[LoopRmx] Page.
Select a sample loop and try it out! You have 5 variations (1-5) and 4 types (A-D).
Selecting lower numbers and letters produce more subtle results (for example, "1A") and
selecting higher numbers will give you more radical results (try a "5D"!).
Automatically slices up a breakbeat pattern and maps the pieces to successive keys
along the keyboard. You can then generate your own variations manually at the
keyboard. A sample can be divided equally into any of 2 to 32 pieces. Go to
[PLAY]:[SAMPLE]:[COMMAND]:[LOOPDIV] to access this feature!
Version 2 now offers you a total of 16 different filter types:
1. LowPass 1
2. LowPass 2
3. HiPass 1
4. HiPass 2
5. BandPass
6. BandElim
7. LowPass 3
8. Peak 1
9. Peak 2
10. 2 Peaks with new Distance parameter
11. 2 Dips with new Distance parameter
12. Dual LPFs with new Distance parameter
13. LPF + Peak with new Distance parameter
14. Dual HPFs with new Distance parameter
15. HPF + Peak with new Distance parameter
16. LPF + HPF with new Distance parameter
The Distance parameter available on the last seven types is the distance between the
two filters. It is available as a destination in the modulation matrix! Go to
[EDIT]:[FILTER]:[Filter] page to check out all of the filters!
Version 2 adds a powerful new LFO that you can set up separately for each program.
This new LFO can be synced by external MIDI clock. The new LFO appears as a source in
the modulation matrix. Go to [PLAY]:[CONTROL]:[PgmLFO] to check out this function!
In Version 2 the Effects can be configured as follows: 1/2/3, 1>2/3, 1>2>3, 1/2>3, 1>2<3,
and each effect can be routed to any of the assignable outputs. To access this feature,
go to [PLAY]:[EFFECT]:[EfType] page. The new routing configurations are1/2>3 and