5-20. Equalizer User Library Bulk Request Data Format
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No. (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0010xxxx 2n n=0-15(Rx Channel No.)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E Universal Bulk Dump
01001100 4C 'L'
01001101 4D 'M'
00100000 20 ' '
00100000 20 ' '
00111000 38 '8'
01000001 41 'A'
00110100 34 '4'
00110001 31 '1'
DATA NAME 01010001 51 'Q'
MEMORY NO. 0xxxxxxx mm mm=1(00h)-20(13h)...Equalizer User Library No.,
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
5-21. Memory Control Change Out Bulk Request Data Format
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No. (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0010xxxx 2n n=0-15(Rx Channel No.)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E Universal Bulk Dump
01001100 4C 'L'
01001101 4D 'M'
00100000 20 ' '
00100000 20 ' '
00111000 38 '8'
01000001 41 'A'
00110100 34 '4'
00110001 31 '1'
DATA NAME 01011001 59 'Y'
MEMORY NO. 0xxxxxxx mm mm=1(01h)-50(32h)...Scene Memory No.,
127(7Fh)...Edit Buffer
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
*1 The following is how to calculate data format.
For example, Internal Data : Ds,D1,D2,D3,...,Dx,...,De (Dx is 1byte data.
The data ranges between 00h and FFh.)
DxH = ASCII((Dx/16) AND 0Fh) (Character code '0' to 'F')
DxL = ASCII(Dx AND 0Fh) (Character code '0' to 'F')
*2 The following is the check sum.
Sum is calculated for the sum after the BYTE COUNT(LOW), namely 'L'
to the data immediately before the CHECK SUM, all bits are
inverted(one's compliment), and then add 1(one), and then the
MSB(bit7) is set 0(zero) for obtaining the CHECK SUM.
(two's compliment)