Improve your playing skills — with Song Lesson!
c kiuQGuide
PSR-K1 Owner’s Manual
Lesson 2 — playing the correct notes
The display shows a keyboard and piano-style notation, indicating the particular key or keys you should play along with
the notes in the score. The accompaniment waits for you, continuing when you play the correct note.
1 Select Lesson 2.
Press the [LESSON R] or [LESSON L] button until Lesson 3 is selected. If you
want to practice the right-hand part, press the [LESSON R] button. If you want
to practice the left, press the [LESSON L] button.
The Lesson song starts automatically after you select Lesson 2.
2 Start the Lesson.
Look at the keyboard in the display. You’ll see a mark indicating the key you
should play first. A mark above the music notation indicates the particular note
you should play.
Both of these markers move to the next key and note once you play the key cor-
rectly. The accompaniment also continues as soon as you play the correct note.
Once you practice the song all the way to the end, playback stops and your grade
is displayed.
Now, let’s go on to Lesson 3 and master the right-hand (or left-hand) part.
Lesson 3 — practicing with only one hand
The accompaniment and one of the parts play back—minus the one part you want to practice. Practice the desired part,
right hand or left hand, along with the accompaniment.
1 Select Lesson 3.
Press the [LESSON R] or [LESSON L] button until Lesson 3 is selected. If you
want to practice the right-hand part, press the [LESSON R] button. If you want
to practice the left, press the [LESSON L] button.
The Lesson song starts automatically after you select Lesson 3.
• Drum and percussion sounds do
not play in Lesson 2.
In this example,
the right-hand part is played.