
While in the edit mode, the delete function can be used to clear parts from a song
The Delete Function
program. For example, in the INSERT function described above, we inserted a new
pattern into part 3. To delete this part, we simply locate part 3 using the -1/NO
or +1/YES key, and press DELETE. The LCD will show "DELETE PART 003?". If
we now press +1/YES, part 3 will be deleted and all subsequent parts will be moved
back one part. Press -1/NO in response to the “DELETE PART 003?” message to
cancel the delete function. Editing can now continue as normal.
Delete (Example: delete part 3)
You can also delete repeats within a song, without losing any parts. See the DE-
LETING REPEATS section for an explanation of this simple procedure.
No, nothing to do with repeat playback of songs. The RX21 has a useful repeat
function enabling you to save a considerable amount of time by making it possible
to repeat any part or group of parts up to 99 times. The repeat function is used in
the song edit mode.
For example, to repeat parts 2 and 3 of our song 3 times (this means parts 2 and
3 would be played 4 times: 1 original plus 3 repeats) locate part 2 using the -1/NO
or +1/YES keys, and press REPEAT. The LCD will then show (0) or (1)?”,
giving you the choice of inserting a Begin Repeat sign (by pressing 0) or End Repeat
sign (by pressing 1). Press the 0 key to enter a Begin Repeat sign. The LCD will
show " PART 002”. Use the +1/YES key to move to part 3 and press REPEAT.
This time, we want an End Repeat sign, so press the 1 key. The LCD will now show
“PART 003 x 01”.If you only wanted a single repeat now, you could press
+1/YES and the repeat would be inserted, and the LCD would display the next
part (part 004). For more repeats, simply enter the number of repeats desired-a
2-digit number from 02 to 99, then press +1/YES.
We want 3 repeats, so use the numeric keys to enter “03”, then press +1/YES.
The repeat will be entered, and the LCD will now show the next part (part 004).
You can now exit the edit mode, and when you play back the song, the repeats
will occur just as you’ve programmed them.