
In addition to controlling this unit, you can also control
other audio and video components made by YAMAHA
and other manufacturers using the supplied remote
control. To control other components, you must set the
appropriate remote control codes.
c? C) C) _
C) C9 C) C?
_-__ DVDplayer VCR Digital TV/ TV
_ CableTV
'_ AV POWIR Po_x_q *l Power ':1 Pow*.'] ,!l VCp. povv_q
'_ TV POWEI_: TV powcl TV pI)_cl TV power Po_cl ,;l
v(p. semh VCP. se trch
'_ _J_d Seardlbl_kward Setlh ba_kvxlld
ba kwald bl kwmd
V(I >.searh VCP. setEh
c>t> Seardl h,rward Sellh Ibl_ lid Search h,rward Se_Eh h,l_ .d
I)lwald I_)iward
Skip ba_ k_ tld Skip ba_k_x rid I)ircclion A
Skip Io_ rid Skip I)_wald I)ircclion B
I)ISC SKIP I)isc skip P.ec VCP. _ec VCP. rec I)isc skip Rec
[] Sl/!p Slop VCp. slop VCP. slop Slop Slop
00 Pause Paise VCp. pause VCP. pause Pause I)eck A/B
C> pla 3 Pla} VCP. pla 3 VCP. pla 3 Pla} Pkl}
,@ TV VOI. + TV \olulrle + TV _o[tlme + TV "_OILIme + _A}ltlme + TV ".oltlme + TV \,o[ume +
TV VOI, TV volume TV xoIume TV _ohlm{ M)lume "I'V _ohlnle TV _oklnle
'_ TV CH + TV channel + Channel + Channel + Channel + TV channel + TV channel +
TV CH TV channel Channel Channel Channel TV channel TV channel
'_ TV MU'I'I TV mule TV mule TV mute Mule TV mule TV mule
'_ Trl'I,I Tille Tille Tille "I'ille
'@) I NTEP. Menu _nlei Menu selecl Menu seled
PRESET/CH A Menu up Menu up Menu up
PRESET/CH v Nlenu down Menu down Menu down
A 1/CNI" < Menu kll Menu lell Menu kll
A I/CAT ) Menu _ight Menu righl Menu _ight
'_ I_:I TI_Ip.N ReItlrn F:etum P.elu HI P.elur n
TV INPUT TV illptll TV inpul TV inpul Inpul TV illptll TV illptll
'_1) I 9. 0, +I0 Numeric Buttons Numeric bullons Numeric bullons NulnelJc Buttons Numeric butlons
'_P) INT Inle_ I nleUlec dl
mimetic bul[oll
'_) MINU Menu Menu Menu
'_ I)ISPI,AY I)ispla3 I)ispla} I)ispla 3 I)ispla}
'1 This bulton ffmciions only when Ihe original remote conno] oflhe component lifts tlae POWER bullon.
'2 These bullons ltlnclion for Europe model only.
CD player Tape deck MD recorder Tuner
Powel *1 Pm_er =:l Pm_er ! 1 Powel ! i
TV powel TV power TV power "I'Vpo_ei
Scarh ba{k_ard Search ba{kwmd Sea_h ba kwa_d H'Y MOI)E ,2
Search I_}lwmd H'Y STAP.T _2
Skip backwald FRI Q/I"I XT *2
Skip I_ ward EON *2
TV volume + TV volume +
TV volume TV volume
TV channel + TV channel +
TV channel TV channel
TV mule 1W mul_
Presel up
(1 Io8)
Presel down
(1 Io8)
Presel down
(A I_>E)
Presel tip
(A Io E)
TV inpul 1W input
Numeric bullons P_set stations (I-8)