Chapter 2 Tutorial 111
2.4.5 Creating the COMPOSED LOOP 3 track
■ Sampling
We will sample track 45-1 “*Harp Gliss Down” from the included audio CD to the
COMPOSED LOOP 3 track (subsequently referred to as CL3).
The sampling procedure is the same as described on page 47 of the preceding sec-
tion, “Building Your Own Song.”
Set the sampling grade to “22K 8BIT MONO L.”
■ Modifying the sound
For the CL3 track, we will set the following parameters.
SOUND group .......... [PAN] L30
[PITCH] +062
LFO group ................ [SPEED] 026
[FILTER] 068
FILTER group........... [CUTOFF] 110
EFFECT group ......... [EFFECT 1] 025
[EFFECT 2] 080
[EFFECT 3] 070
Make these settings using the same procedure as you did for the LOOP 1 and 2
■ Loop length setting
Using the same procedure as you did for LOOP 2, set the sample loop length of the
CL3 track to “LOOP LENGTH=016.”
■ Recording to the sequencer
Now we will record the sample for the CL3 track on the sequencer.
The sample for the CL3 track will be looped over 16 quarter-note beats (four mea-
sures), and will sound for three beats from the beginning of measure 1. (See diagram
CL3 sample