MIDI Channel 16 is used as the communication
channel for all AUDIO MIXER communication. This
is a very important step. You will now be able to
use all the Remote Control functions, including the
START/STOP function. For details on what is
available please refer to the S90 Owner’s Manual
page 58-59. The Remote Control functions are
principally used for controlling the AUDIO tracks in
the SQ01 – using the front panel sliders and
buttons to control the audio tracks.
Audio Mixer: Quick Launch [SHIFT] + [7]
On the Audio Mixer select Setup; click on Remote
Control; The Audio Mixer Remote Control will
communicate via the YAMAHA USB IN 0-3 as
shown below. In this example there are eight
audio tracks selected under COMMAND.
• Click OK.
The audio mixer automation icons appear on the
toolbar and under the SETUP menu. When you
select WRITE AUTOMATION the SQ01 will
automatically create the necessary track to
document your moves: Fader, Pan position, Mute
status, Solo status, and Effect send levels. It is
not necessary to create a track to record the
Audio Mixer – the sequencer will allow you to
overlay your automation – it will do the
housekeeping and put it into a folder on the main
Track View screen (typically you will find it at the
bottom of the list of tracks - in a track with a
suitcase icon in the track number column). If you
need to delete or change this data you can open
the suitcase by clicking on it and then double click
on the track to view and edit its data.
Built-in Effects
There are built-in Effects that can be applied to
the audio tracks. Please see the ON LINE Manual
for details on what is available and how to assign
them to an audio track.
The effects can be applied to any audio track as