6 Variation Knob (Var)
This is used to set the depth of Variation effects for each part. As the knob is rotated to the
right by dragging it, the Variation effects will deepen. When the knob is all the way to the left,
the Variation effects will be zero.
n Variation effect is a function used in the XG tone generator. It has a great many effect programs besides reverb
and chorus, such as delay, rotary speaker, auto pan, amp simulator, and auto wah-wah.
n Depending on the Character of the audio signal, the manner in which the Variation effect is applied may vary.
7 Mute Button
By clicking on any of these buttons and turning it ON (it will be highlighted), you can mute
playback for that part. If you click the button again, the part will return to normal playback.
You can also mute multiple parts.
8 Pan Knob
This is used to set the stereo orientation for each part. As the knob is rotated to the right by
dragging it, the orientation of the playback sound on that part will move to the right. Moving
the knob to the left will cause the orientation of the playback sound on that part to move to
the left.
9 Volume Fader
By dragging any slider up and down, you can set the volume for the corresponding part.
Master Volume Unit
1 Level Meter
Displays the overall volume level.
n Depending on the Wave In device set in the System Setup dialog (→ P. 25), the level dis-
play will be as follows:
SW1000 #1 WAVE IN....Nothing will be displayed.
SW1000 #2 WAVE IN....The level will be displayed for a mixture of the A/D Input,
XGworks wave tracks and the sound from the AWM2 tone gener-
ator on the sound card.
2 Master Fader
By dragging the slider up and down, you can change the overall volume set-
n If you select SW1000 #2 WAVE IN as the Wave In device in the System Setup dialog (→ P.
25), you can set the level of the mixture of the A/D Input, XGworks wave tracks and the
sound from the AWM2 tone generator on the sound card. When you record them, or mix
them down to an XGworks wave track, this Master Fader can be used to adjust the record-
ing level.
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