General information
Two Stars—Very Low Emission
The two-star label identifies engines that meet
the Air Resources Board’s 2004 exhaust
emission standards. Engines meeting these
standards have 20% lower emissions than
One Star-Low-Emission engines.
Three Stars—Ultra Low Emission
The three-star label identifies engines that
meet the Air Resources Board’s 2008 ex-
haust emission standards. Engines meeting
these standards have 65% lower emissions
than One Star-Low-Emission engines.
Safety information
● Before mounting or operating the outboard
motor, read this entire manual. Reading it
should give you an understanding of the
motor and its operation.
● Before operating the boat, read any own-
er’s or operator’s manuals supplied with it
and all labels. Be sure you understand each
item before operating.
● Do not overpower the boat with this out-
board motor. Overpowering the boat could
result in loss of control. The rated power of
the outboard should be equal to or less than
the rated horsepower capacity of the boat.
If the rated horsepower capacity of the boat
is unknown, consult the dealer or boat man-
● Do not modify the outboard. Modifications
could make the motor unfit or unsafe to use.
● Never operate after drinking alcohol or tak-
ing drugs. About 50% of all boating fatalities
involve intoxication.
● Have an approved personal flotation device
(PFD) on board for every occupant. It is a
good idea to wear a PFD whenever boat-
ing. At a minimum, children and non-swim-
mers should always wear PFDs, and
U60R10E0.book Page 3 Monday, June 21, 2004 9:34 AM