TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
Panel Operations
■ LCD Setup
Here you can adjust the display’s contrast and backlight.
■ Front Panel Operation
Here you can turns panel operation lock on/off. By locking panel operations you can prevent unintended operation.
• This setting restricts only panel operation of the amplifier itself; it does not affect control from an external device such as
Amp Editor.
q Panel
This specifies the panel lock setting (locks all panel operations including the [MUTE] button and attenuation adjustments).
• Normal : Panel lock (locking of all panel operations) will be turned off.
• View Only : Parameters cannot be changed from the front panel. Only display-related operations can be performed.
• Full Lock : The front panel will be inoperable.
w MUTE Key
This locks mute operations by the [MUTE] button. This can be set only if the Panel setting is Normal.
e Att. Dial
This locks attenuation adjustments by the A/B encoders. This can be set only if the Panel setting is Normal.
Parameter name Range Explanation
Contrast 0–100% Specifies the display contrast.
Backlight ON/Auto OFF Specifies the lit status of the display’s backlight. With the Auto OFF set-
ting, the backlight will light when a panel operation is performed, and will
go dark ten seconds after the panel operation has ended. Similarly, the
backlight will go dark ten seconds after panel operations have ended
when the power supply is in Standby mode as well.