objects, and other watercraft to give you
time to stop.
● Do not shut the engine off when slowing
down in case you need engine power to
steer away from a boat or other obstacle
that comes into your path.
● Do not use the reverse function to slow
down or stop the watercraft as it could
cause you to lose control, be ejected, or
impact the handlebars.
Operating the watercraft in reverse
Pull the shift lever rearward to the reverse po-
sition. The watercraft will move in reverse.
(See page 37 for information on the reverse
Make sure that there are no obstacles or peo-
ple behind you before shifting into reverse.
Boarding the watercraft
Be sure the operator and any passengers
have practiced boarding from the water
while still close to shore before riding. A
person who has made many unsuccessful
attempts to get back on the watercraft may
become fatigued and suffer from expo-
sure, increasing the risk of injury and
Board the watercraft in water free from weeds
and debris and at least 60 cm (2 ft) deep from
the bottom of the watercraft. NOTICE: Never
run the engine in water that is less than 60
cm (2 ft) deep from the bottom of the wa-
tercraft, otherwise pebbles or sand could
be sucked into the jet intake, causing im-
peller damage and engine overheating.
VXR: This watercraft is equipped with a re-
boarding step, which can be lowered and
used to assist in reboarding. (See page 46 for
information on operating the reboarding step.)
Boarding alone
(1) From the rear of the watercraft, place
both hands on the boarding platform, pull
1 Shift lever
2 Reverse position
60 cm (2 ft)
UF2M11E0.book Page 71 Monday, July 11, 2011 10:21 AM