Panel Operation and Displays
Utility Displays
DME64N/DME24N Owner’s Manual
Utility Displays
Most basic DME64N/24N functions can be accessed via the Utility Display.
Items accessible via the Utility display
Page Item Description Manual Page
Current status and settings for the devices basic parameters. Page 46
Label Name display.
Version The device’s current version number.
Date Current status and setup for the internal calendar/clock.
Battery Shows the status of the internal battery.
Current status and settings for the Ethernet network. Page 47
MASTER/SLAVE Displays current status and determines whether the device is device group master or not.
IP Adr. Current status and setup for the device’s IP address.
Master ID Displays and sets the device group master host address.
Link Mode Current status and setup for the [NETWORK] connector.
MAC Adr. Displays the device’s MAC address.
Current status and setup for the display mode, etc. Page 47
LCD Contrast Current status and setup for display panel contrast.
LCD Backlight Current status and setup for the display panel backlight.
Meter Fall Time Current status and setup for meter fall time.
Current status and setup for panel lock and related functions. Page 48
Utility Current status and setup for the Utility display settings.
Panel Lock Boot Current status and setup for the DME64N/24N’s power-on panel lock status.
Panel Lock Target Current status and setup for the panel lock target.
User Defined Lock Panel lock and setup for each page of User Defined Button.
Current status and setup for settings not included in other pages. Page 49
Scene Store Current status and setup for scene store accessibility.
Last Mem. Resume Indicates and determines whether the previous memory contents will be retained when the
unit is restarted.
Event Scheduler Current status and setup whether an event schedule setup in the DME Designer will be
executed or not.
Internal HA Ctrl Determines the connector that will be used to control the internal head amp.
Remote Current status and setup for the [REMOTE] connector.
Current status and selection of the DME64N/24N word clock. Page 50
Fs Displays the word clock frequency.
Int Current status of the internal word clock.
WCIN Current status of the word clock received at the [WORD CLOCK IN] connector.
Cascade Current status of the word clock received via the [CASCADE IN] and [CASCADE OUT]
SLOT1-4 Current status of the word clock received via cards plugged in to the I/O card slots.
Displays info about an I/O card installed in a DME64N/24N I/O slot. Page 51
Card name Displays the name of the installed card.
(no title) Resets the installed card.
Format Displays the audio format – 88.2 or 96 kHz.
Current status and setup for MIDI functions. Page 51
Port Current status and setup of the MIDI port.
DAW Current status and setup for connected MIDI devices.
CH Current status and setup for the MIDI transmit and receive channels.
Program Change Current status and setup for program change transmission/reception, omni on, and echo
Control Change Current status and setup for control change transmission/reception, omni on, and echo
Param Change Current status and setup for parameter change transmission/reception, omni on, and echo
GPI connector calibration and status display. Page 53
Reset Resets the GPI calibration.
Max Sets the maximum calibration value.
Min Sets the minimum calibration value.
(no title) Current calibration status.
Current status and setup for the internal and connected external head amplifiers. Page 54
HA Current status and setup for head amplifier type.
WCLK Current status and setup for the word clock used by the head amplifier(s).
(no title) Displays the audio format 88.2/96 kHz.
Gain Current status and setup for individual head amplifier channel gain.
+48V Current status and setup for individual head amplifier channel phantom power supply (+48V
(no title) Displays current status of the master phantom power switch.
HPF Current status and setup for individual head amplifier channel high-pass filter on/off.
Frq Current status and setup for individual head amplifier channel high-pass filter frequency.