“House” (HOUSE.MID) by Katsumi Nagae (Idecs Inc.)
The typical house music sound is simulated in this song, which experiments with
reproducing sampling phrases using the DX Voice system. In addition, the second
half of the song features the metalic sound that is a strong point of the DX.
“Jungle” (DXJungle.MID) by Katsumi Nagae (Idecs Inc.)
This song adds a touch of Chinese feeling to the Jungle. The Oriental image is under-
scored by the “CHINA_S&” and “IMAGE9” plug-in SE voices.
If no sounds are played, or if you experience other problems with playback, see Ap-
pendix “When Your PLG100-DX Seems to Have a Problem” (→P. 59).
■ Installing the Plug-in Software .......................................................
Double-click on the Setup.exe file in the Plug_ folder on the CD-ROM to start the
Click on “Next” or “Yes” as these words appear on the screen to complete the in-
Installing and Starting the Plug-in Software (Windows95 only)
■ Starting the DX Easy Editor............................................................
1. Start XGworks(lite).
2. Select “DX Easy Editor” from the XGworks(lite) plug-in menu.
The “Select DX Part” dialog will open.
3. Set the part numbers to be assigned to the PLG100-DX, then click on the [OK]
button. If there is DX bulk data in the sequence data, the DX mark will be dis-
played under the part number.
About the PLG100-DX