
MU128 Performance Mode
Performance Edit Mode
The Performance Edit mode features various functions and parameters,
grouped in the following sections: Common (related to the Performance as a
whole), Part (related to each of the four Parts), and the Copy, Store, and
Recall operations.
For basic information on using the Performance Edit mode, see page 69.
Path: [EDIT] button “ COM”
Common ————————————————————————
Performance Name ................................................ 138
Performance Name (Perform Name)
Portamento Parameters .......................................... 138
Portamento Switch (PortamnSw)
Portamento Time (PortamnTm)
Modulation Wheel Parameters ............................... 138
LFO Pitch Modulation Depth (MW LEOPMod)
LFO Filter Modulation Depth (MW LFOFMod)
Pitch Bend ............................................................. 139
Pitch Bend Control (PitBndCtrl)
A/D Part ................................................................. 139
A/D Part
Assignable Controller Parameters........................... 139
Assignable Controller 1 Control Change Num-
ber (AC1 CC No.)
Assignable Controller 1 Filter Control (AC1 FilCtrl)
Assignable Controller 1 Amplitude Control
(AC1 AmpCtrl)
Assignable Controller 1 LFO Filter Modulation
Depth (AC 1 LFOFMod)
The Common parameters allow you to name a Performance, enable the
A/D Parts for a Performance, and set the control change number for
realtime parameter control.
Performance Edit Mode