Song Recording
• Before actually starting to record you can try playing the
PSR-530 the way it is set up by using the “Rehearsal Mode”:
press the [SYNC START] button to temporarily disengage
the record ready mode, rehearse as necessary, then press
the [SYNC START] button again to return to the record ready
• Whenever you record using a SONG, any previously re-
corded material in the same track will be erased.
• If the SONG memory becomes full while recording, “FULL”
will appear on the display and recording will stop (the “Re-
hearsal Mode” will be engaged).
• If you start recording by pressing the [START/STOP] button,
nothing will be recording on a MELODY track until you begin
playing on the keyboard. Only rhythm accompaniment will be
recorded on the ACCOMPANIMENT track until you play a
chord in the auto accompaniment section of the keyboard.
• During recording you can use the TRACK buttons to turn
playback of previously-recorded MELODY tracks or the AC-
COMPANIMENT track on or off as required.
Stop Recording
Stop recording by pressing the [START/STOP] button. If you press the
[ENDING] button while recording the ACCOMPANIMENT track, recording will
stop automatically after the ending section has finished. When recording is stopped
the MEASURE number on the display will return to “1” and the record-ready mode
will be engaged.
Record Additional Tracks as Required
By repeating steps 5 through 7, above, you can select and record additional
tracks as required.
Exit From the Record Mode
When you’re finished recording a song, press the [RECORD] button so that its
indicator goes out to exit from the record mode. The recorded user song can now
be played back in the same way as the demonstration songs (page 52).
• Many types of data re-
corded in user songs can
be re-written (“revoiced”)
as described on page 81.
● Recording from the Middle of the Song
It is possible initiate recording from the middle of the song. If you want to
change the latter half of the song (track), select the Measure number (page 54)
from which you want to record and start recording.
• You can also press the
[SYNC START] button to
stop recording and return
to the record ready mode.
• While the record ready
mode is engaged you can
press the [VOICE] button
to go to the VOICE menu
and change the R1 voice
as required. The R2 voice,
however, cannot be
changed (If the Voice Set
function is on — page 85
— the R2 voice will auto-
matically be changed
when an R1 panel voice is
selected). The record-
ready mode must be dis-
engaged in order to
change the R2 voice and
other settings.
• When you select one of
the Accompaniment
tracks for recording, the
display shows “- - -:Mea-
sure” indicating that re-
cording from the middle of
the song is not possible.