40 Tutorial
01V96i—Owner’s Manual
3. Make sure that USB1 is assigned to BUS1,
and USB2 is assigned to BUS2.
If the settings are otherwise, use the Parameter
wheel (or [INC]/[DEC]) and [ENTER] to change
the settings.
4. Start up your DAW, and set it to use the
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver.
If you’re using the included Cubase AI, set the fol-
lowing items.
• From the menu bar, choose “Devices” → “Device
Settings,” then click VST Audio System. As the
ASIO driver, choose “Yamaha Steinberg USB
ASIO” (Windows) / “Yamaha 01V96i” (Mac).
• From the “Device” menu, choose “VST Connec-
tions.” In the Input tab choose [Add Bus], set “Con-
figuration” to Stereo and “Number” to 1, and click
[OK] to create a new stereo input. For the newly
created “Stereo In,” set the device port to “01V96i
1/2” (Windows) / “01V96i 1” and “01V96i 2”
For details on other DAW settings, refer to the
owner’s manual of your DAW.
5. Create a stereo track in your DAW.
6. Select 01V96i 1/2 as the input port of the
stereo track.
If you’re using Cubase AI, select the name of the
input port that you created in step 4 (by default this
will be “Stereo In”).
7. Enable recording for the track that you
want to record, and start recording.
8. When you’ve finished recording, stop the
Recording Direct Outputs
In this method, each Input Channel is recorded directly
to your DAW. Use this method if you want to record the
signals of multiple Input Channels each to their own
track. This is convenient when you’re making a live
recording that you will be mixing later. Here we’ll
explain the procedure for recording Input Channels
1–16 directly to DAW tracks 1–16.
1. Press the DISPLAY ACCESS [PATCH] but-
ton repeatedly until the Patch | Direct
Out page appears.
2. Move the cursor to the parameter box for
the Input Channels you want to route to
Direct Outs, then specify the output con-
nectors or channels.
Move the cursor to the parameter box, and use the
Parameter wheel (or [INC]/[DEC] to specify the
patching. Assign 1–16 to USB1–USB16.
[PAN/ROUTING] button
repeatedly until the
Pan/Route | Rout1-16 page
Signals of the Input Channels whose
D button is turned on will be sent
directly to the USB OUT that you
specified in step 2.
4. Start up your DAW, and set it to use the
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver.
If you’re using the included Cubase AI, set the fol-
lowing items.
• From the menu bar, choose “Devices” → “Device
Settings,” then click VST Audio System. As the
ASIO driver, choose “Yamaha Steinberg USB
ASIO” (Windows) / “Yamaha 01V96i” (Mac).
• From the “Device” menu, choose “VST Connec-
tions.” In the Input tab, choose [Add Bus], set “Con-
figuration” to Mono and “Number” to 16, and click
[OK] to create sixteen new monaural inputs. For
each newly created “Mono In 1–16,” set the device
port to “01V96i 1–16” respectively.
For details on other DAW settings, refer to the
owner’s manual of your DAW.
5. Create a stereo track in your DAW.
6. Select 01V96i 1–16 respectively as the
input port for each monaural track.
If you’re using Cubase AI, select the name of the
input ports you created in step 4 (by default these
will be Mono In 1–16).
7. Enable recording for all of the tracks that
you want to record, and start recording.
8. W he n yo u ’v e f i ni s he d re c or di n g, s to p t h e