February 3, 1999
b7................PSZV: Power Save Zoomed Video port
Setting this bit to “1” stops a clock supplied to the Zoomed Video port block.
“0”: Normal (default)
“1”: Disable
b8................PSDIT: Power Save Digital Audio Interface Transmitter
Setting this bit to “1” stops a clock supplied to the DIT block.
“0”: Normal (default)
“1”: Disable
b9................PSDIR: Power Save Digital Audio Interface Receiver
Setting this bit to “1” stops a clock supplied to the DIR block.
“0”: Normal (default)
“1”: Disable
b10..............PSACL: Power Save AC-Link
Setting this bit to “1” stops a clock supplied to the AC-Link block.
“0”: Normal (default)
“1”: Disable
b11..............PSIO: Power Save I/O Pad
Setting this bit to “1” fixes the levels of the I/O pins except for the PCI interface and AC-Link. Output
pins retain current level, and any signals from input pins are ignored.
“0”: Normal (default)
“1”: Fix the level of the I/O pad
b12..............PSHWV: Power Save Hardware Volume
Setting this bit to “1” stops a clock supplied to the Hardware Volume block.
“0”: Normal (default)
“1”: Disable