2 - 40
1 Turn signal light lead
2 Radiator hose
3 Reservoir tank breather hose
(L = 440)
4 Clutch cable
5 Crankshaft position sensor
6 Rear brake switch lead
7 Wiring section #
8 Coolant breather hose
9 Clutch cable
0 Handlebar switch lead
A Main switch lead
B Assembling point #
C Cover steering
D Assembling point $
E Wiring section !
È Route the clutch cable through
the backward of radiator
bracket and inside of coolant
breather hose.
É To cord headlight
Ê To turn signal light
Ë Point the open side to the vehi-
cle outside.
Ì Fasten the clutch cable with
the clamp to the inside of the
coolant reservoir tank.
Í Fasten the sidestand switch
lead behind the bracket and cut
the tip.
Î To fuel tank
Ï Pass the throttle cable in front
of the brake hose.
Ð Pass the clutch cable behind
the front fork.
Ñ Pass the handlebar switch lead
and main switch lead between
the steering stopper and front
fork outer tube.
Ò Pass the throttle cable, handle-
bar switch lead between the
under bracket and the cover
steering. There should be no
twist and crossing of the cable.
Ó In this area, the handlebar
switch lead (right side) should
not be in front of the throttle
cable. It should not cross the
throttle cable around the guide-