This owner's manual covers two models of lawn
tractors. Follow only those instructions which per-
tain to your model lawn tractor.
Refer to the separate deck manual for all informa-
tion concerning the deck.
IMPORTANT: This unit is shipped WITHOUT
GASOLINE or OIL; however, a small amount of oil
may be present from the factory. Do not overfill.
After assembly, service engine with gasoline and
oil as instructed in the separate engine manual
packed with your unit.
Self- Tapei_~g Screws
~=-==-.-: .-:~--~_.
\ Seat
r i
A. Battery acid must be handled with great care as
contact with it can burn and blister the skin. It is also
advisable to wear protective clothing (goggles, rub-
ber gloves and apron) when working with it. *
B. Should battery acid accidentally splatter into the
eyes or onto the face, rinse the affected area im-
mediately with clean cold water. If there is any
further discomfort, seek prompt medical attention.
C. If acid spills on clothing, first dilute it with clean
water, then neutralize with a solution of ammonia/
water or baking soda/water.
32. When using the vehicle with mower, proceed as follows: 34. Look behind to make sure the area is clear before placing the
A. Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light. transmission in reverse and continue looking behind while back-
B. Never make a cutting height adjustment while engine is running ing up. Disengage blades before shifting into reverse and backing
if operator must dismount to do so. up.
C. Shut the engine off and wait until the blade comes to a com- 35. This unit should not be driven up a ramp onto a trailer or truck
plete stop before removing the grass catcher. under power, because the unit could tip over, causing serious per-
D. Check blade mounting bolts for proper tightness at frequent sonal injury. The unit must be pushed manually to load properly.
intervals. Also, check blades for wear or damage (e.g. bent, 36. Check brake operation frequently. Adjust and service according
cracked). Replace with blade which meets original equipment to brake adjustment instructions in this manual.
specifications. 37. Muffler, engine, and belt guards become hot during operation and
33. Check grass catcher bags frequently for wear or deterioration. For can cause a burn. Allow to cool down before touching.
safety protection, replace only with new bag meeting original equip-
ment specifications.
NOTE: Reference to right or left hand side of the
unit is observed from the driver's seat, facing
1. Remove the lawn tractor from the carton as follows.
Open the top flaps. The loose parts (includes the
battery fluid, steering wheel with steering cap at-
tached and chute deflector) may be on the seat and
wrapped in plastic, or may be located in a box.
Remove all loose parts and carton inserts. Cut the
front corners of the carton. Make certain brake is
released, use the relief valve and push the unit out
of the carton.
2. The seat has been mounted backward for shipping
purposes. If the loose parts are on the seat, careful-
ly cut and remove the plastic wrap.
NOTE: On some units, the seat may be packed with
the loose parts. The self-tapping screws will be attached
to the seat. Remove the screws and assemble as in-
Remove the hex self-tapping screws which secure the
-seat to the seat pivot bracket. Turn the seat around and
place in position against the seat pivot bracket, lining
up the slotted holes in the pivot bracket with the holes
in the seat. Select desired position for the seat, and
secure with hex self-tapping screws. See figure 1.
D. Since battery acid is corrosive, do not pour it into
any sink or drain. Before discarding empty elec-
trolyte containers, rinse them with a neutralizing
E. NEVER connect or disconnect charger clips to bat-
tery while charger is turned on as it can cause
F. Keep all lighted materials (cigarettes, matches,
lighters) away from the battery as the hydrogen gas
generated during charging can be combustible.
G. As a further precaution, only charge the battery in
a well-ventilated area.
* Always shield eyes, protect skin and clothing
when working near batteries.