UN,' ';(111 6 AND SiT.UP
1, Be sure carton is right side up. cut end panels out and
fold flat on flo~r '. Re~Ql/e i(!ner pack and roll unit out 9f
carton,: '
2. Assemble the right and left handle tubes to the unit with
the rigl1t and left hatJdJe socket caps and bO;Jts. 00 not
3. AsSemble the handle panel as$embly over the right and
lefthilr'ldle tubes :and secure with four slotted round head
bolts ~~d lock nUts. Tighten 811 1;he bolt$ on th~ handle
assembly. Place th.~ h~dl~ grips ov~r: th~ end~ o(the hand)e
4, Place ;one ,end af ~e IT)ast~r clutch .rod tt)roughtt:ie,hol~
at the bo~tom of the master clutch con1:rol and the other end
thr9ugb the hole in '!he tlipper heat the end of the left
handlE! tube and $ecurĀ„. with the two cotter pins.
5, The tilling width is, ass~mbl~d fot 22" as, shippeq. For
11" tilling width r&move hair-pin and clevis pin arid piJll
Qutsrd~:Spool AS$smt;Jlies fr:6m stiaft;Replace clevis pina!'ld
hair-pin thru in5id~ Spool Assemblies and Shaft,
6. Attath the depth bat releas~ handle to tbehandJei near
the right handle grip with 8' slC)tte~ headscr~w ~rid nut.
Attach the upper dep'thbeT' relebse rod to the handle by
hooking the loop~ end th~Qugh the ~at on the handle from
the outside, Attach the opposite end down through the
round h?le In t~e depth bar pivot plate, SecL)re witt1 i
cotter pJn. Atta<J!:1 the double bend enQ of ".the lower trip
rod down through the slotted hole in the p.ivot plate:
S~cure ~)th ~ wa~her andc9tter pin.. Thread~~f! Adjust;
ment Link on t:he opposite end and ad;ustto align With
hole in .Oepth Bar La~ch. Secure w.ith a cotter pm. Che9K
operat\on of Oep'th Bi)t Release Handl& aft~r: attaching rods,
With Depth ~at Release Hanc!le @!i the wuy uP. Depth B~r
latch should release. for faiture to relea~. re-adjust the
Adju$1ment ~jnk,
7. Attach the depth ~r Into the bracket at the rear of the
tiller frame using the short clevis p\n through one of the
holes m the 'bar, s~cur'ing loVith the hair pin cotter. Use the
pointed end of the d~Pth bar in the ground except when
~h~ IoIse of 1he furrow plow IS ~esired,