
BBeeffoorree UUssee
Remove all packaging and securing tapes. Wash
inside the appliance with lukewarm water and
bicarbonate of soda (5m1 to 0.5 litre of water). Do not
use soap or detergent as the smell may linger. Dry
SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee AApppplliiaannccee
Insert the plug into the wall socket.
SSwwiittcchhiinngg oonn ffrreeeezzeerr bbooxx
Close top of freezer box installed in accordance with
specifications down then connect equipment with
mains as specified above. At this time electric
components inside will be energised.
Adjust knob of temperature regulator in centre with
rotating clockwise. After a weak clicking cooling
compressor will start together with slight vibration
and noise.
1. Knob of temperature regulator
OOppeenniinngg//CClloossiinngg tthhee LLiidd
The lid is fitted with a tightly closing sealing strip to
prevent moisture entering the freezer, increasing the
amount of frost formed.
When the lid is opened the air inside the freezer
becomes slightly warmer and expands. When the lid is
closed again the air is cooled immediately. This may
lead to the creation of a vacuum which makes it hard
to open the lid again immediately. This is quite normal.
Wait for a few minutes until the vacuum has subsided
and then open gently. Never use excessive force on
the handle.
Top has closed and opened position. Movement over
open position of top (about 95°) can cause damage.
FFrreeeezziinngg FFrreesshh FFoooodd
It is important that fresh food placed in the freezer is
frozen quickly and that the food already in the freezer
is heated as little as possible.
If more than 3-4kg of food is to be frozen:
Turn the thermostat control knob to the coldest
setting no. 7. The freezer will now run continuously,
creating a sufficient reserve of the temperature
Turn the thermostat control knob 6-24 hours
before placing new food in the freezer,
depending on how much food is to be frozen.
Place the food in the freezer and leave the
thermostat set at no. 7. for about 24 hours more.
Then turn the thermostat control knob back
again. The freezer will return to normal storage
If the thermostat control knob is
accidentally left at the coldest setting
the freezer will not be damaged, but
energy will be wasted.
FFrroozzeenn FFoooodd SSttoorraaggee
When first starting the freezer or if the freezer has
been out of use for some time, we advise you to run
your appliance for at least 2 hours before storing
frozen food.
Do not exceed the storage period indicated by the
Do not open the lid frequently or leave it open
longer than is necessary.
Do not put carbonated liquids in the freezer.
Ice lollies, if consumed immediately after removal
from the freezer can cause a low temperature
skin burn.
Do not remove items from the freezer if your
hands are damp/wet, as this could cause skin
abrasions or frost/freezer burns.
In the event of a power cut the food in the freezer
will not be affected if the power cut is short and
the freezer is full. Do not open the lid Should the
food begin to thaw it must be consumed quickly
and must not be re-frozen.
(See Hints and Tips)
Deep frozen or frozen food, prior to being used,
can be thawed in the fridge or at room temperature,
depending on the time available. Small food items
may even be cooked from frozen, in this case
cooking will take longer.
Any frozen food which is allowed to thaw
accidentally should either be eaten as soon as
possible, or thrown away. Alternatively, if the food is
uncooked and has not been completely defrosted it
can be cooked and then refrozen.
Defrosted cooked food must never be