Default Parameter Settings
Print Setup
10/05/2009 TTP 7030™ Technical Manual P1003636-002
Controls what the printer does with buffered data:
Adding history pulse enhances print quality. Dividing burning into two burn pulses reduces the
peak current consumption.
The line spacing is normally set by the font height. With this parameter you can set a line
spacing that is higher that the font height. Line spacing settings lower than the font height will
be ignored.
Store which font number is used if no font is specified. Font is selected using Font Selection
on page 77 . Selecting an invalid font gives a software error status message (invalid index).
Stores 16 different TAB stop positions. The position is set in increments of 2.5-mm.
Tab position 255 sets a tab stop on the last position of the line. Use this if you want underline
or reversed text to extend across the full paper width.
To set all tab stops at once, follow the procedure Set several parameters at once on page 55 .
To move a single tab stop, use the set parameter command <ESC>&P.
Default positions are one TAB on each cm; that is parameter values 4, 8, 12 etc.
Print Head Pulse Control
0 Min
<ESC>&P<10><0> 1 burn pulse + history
<ESC>&P<10><1> 1 burn pulse
<ESC>&P<10><2> 2 burn pulses + history
<ESC>&P<10><3> 2 burn pulses
Line Spacing
0 Min
30 Max
<ESC>&P<13><30> 30 pixels or font height, whichever is the largest
Font Selection
0 Min
15 to 30
Tab Stop
1 Min
255 Max
Example • This example sets the first tab stop 25 mm from the left margin.