Installation Steps
10/31/13 P1058563-003
Step 4: Create a Certificate
1. Create a directory named zebra_certs.
This directory may reside anywhere you choose (desktop, etc.).
2. From the Start menu, run cmd.exe as the administrator.
Opens a DOS prompt.
3. Navigate to your zebra_certs directory.
Run the following commands from this directory:
a. Type: set RANDFILE=.rnd
b. On the command line, type openssl, and then press Enter.
4. Enter the following command and fill in the fields based on the information provided
a. Type: genrsa -out zserver.abccompanyinc.com.key 2048, and then
where zserver.abccompanyinc.com = full DNS name of the server
b. Enter the following command and fill in the fields based on the information provided
req -new -subj
sss/CN=uuuuu" -key uuuuu.key -out uuuuu.csr
•where xx: two digit Country Code
•where yyyyy: State name where the server (or company) resides
•where aaaaa: City or town name
•where jjjjj: Organization or company name
•where rrrrrr: Organizational unit name
•where sssss: the contact email address for the certificate creator
•where uuuuu: full DNS name of the server
Note • This command generates the key and is part of the security for the server
communications. DO NOT give this information out to anyone.
Note • The DNS name must match the DNS name supplied to the printer as the
location URL as the Zebra AirWatch Connector.
Example • Listed below is an example of a complete certificate creation request.
req -new -subj "/C=US/ST=Illinois/L=Anytown/O=ABC
Company Inc/OU=IT
ompanyinc.com" -key zserver.abccompanyinc.com.key -out