Barcode Commands
10/05/2009 TTP 7030™ Technical Manual P1003636-002
Writes data to the bar code field reserved by the <ESC>BS command.
Any invalid bar code character terminates the command, and prints <Invalid barcode> on the
Clears the bar code field reserved by command <ESC>BS.
ESC BW n1 nx
Barcode Write
1B 42 57 n1 nx Hex
027 066 087 n1 nx Decimal
n1 Specifies the field No. Range 0 to 15. Fields can be specified in any order
but other values than 0 to 15 are ignored.
n2 . . . nx Specifies bar code data bytes.
To create a bar code add-on, insert a space character and then the data for
the add-on. Two of five characters are allowed of the add-on.
NUL must be placed at the end of the bar code data.
Example • This example will print one barcode with height = 10 mm and moved 10 mm to
the right.
Barcode Clear
1B 42 43 n1 hex
27 66 67 n1 decimal
n Specifies which bar code field to clear. The range is 0 to 15. The fields
may be cleared in any order.