Communications Protocol
The Encore 2 supports RTS/CTS (hardware) and XON/
XOFF handshaking protocols to synchronize with the
host terminal. The handshaking protocol and the baud
rate is programmable. The default communications
parameters are:
Handshaking = RTS/CTS Baud Rate = 9,600
Parity = None Data Bits = 8
Stop Bits = 1
Pin Assignments
The following are the pin assignments for the 8-pin DIN
RS232C serial connector.
Pin Pin Signal Signal
Number Name Type Description
1 RXD input Receive Data
2TXD output Transmit Data
3CTS input Clear To Send from host
4RTS output Request To Send
set high when printer
is ready to accept command/
5GND Ground
6NCNo Connect
7 DSR input Data Set Ready
Low to high transition turns
printer on, High to low
transition turns printer off
(if enabled)
8 DTR output Data Terminal Ready
set high when printer is on
(set to battery voltage for
āSā versions)