Print Error Conditions
There are several error conditions that effect printing. Some actually
stop the printing process completely, while others are only reported to
the operator or host system. A printhead open error condition stops any
media movement, while the printhead under temperature error has no
effect on media movement. Some error conditions must be corrected
before the printer will feed or print labels again.
Media Out, Ribbon Out, Head Open, or Cutter Error
A media out, ribbon out, or cutter error condition stops the printer im-
mediately and turns the ERROR LED on solid. A head open condition
also stops the printer and the ERROR LED blinks. The label being
printed, when the condition occurs, is only partially printed. The
PAUSE LED is turned ON and the printer waits for the errors to be
cleared and the PAUSE key to be pressed. If all error conditions are
cleared when the PAUSE KEY is pressed, the PAUSE LED will turn
OFF. Media registration occurs through the auto-calibration function
(for non-continuous media) and then the printing process resumes.
Printing resumes by reprinting the label that was in process when the
condition occurred, unless the printer is configured to NOT reprint par-
tial labels. All of the other features of the printer (e.g., communica-
tions, parsing, formatting, and cancel) function normally during the
error condition and while the printer is “recovering.”
The feature of reprinting a label after an error condition occurs can be
turned off by a ZPL command. The type of media (continuous or non-
continuous) being monitored by the printer is controlled by a setting on
the front panel (LCD or DIP switches).
Printhead Over Temperature
When the printhead becomes too hot, all printing stops and the
ERROR LED blinks slowly. The printer will wait until the printhead
has returned to an acceptable temperature prior to restarting. All of the
other features of the printer function normally while the head is over-
temperature, including feeding and calibrating without printing a label.
Printhead Under Temperature
A similar condition occurs when the printhead is cooler than desired.
The printer does NOT stop but the ERROR LED blinks slowly to indi-
cate the error condition. All other printer features continue to work nor-
mally. This includes printing, which should heat the printhead to the
desired temperature.
48 Z Series™ User’s Guide
Thu Jun 18 16:02:08 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen