Standard Printer Fonts
For more information on fonts, refer to the ZPL II Programming Guide.
Bit-mapped fonts A, B, D, E, F, G, H, and GS are expandable up to
10 times, height- and width-independent. However, fonts E and H
(OCR-B and OCR-A) are not considered in-spec when expanded.
The Scaleable Smooth Font (CG Triumvirate™ Bold Condensed) is
expandable on a dot-by-dot basis, height- and width-independent,
while maintaining smooth edges, to a maximum of 1500 x 1500
IBM Code Page 850 International characters available in fonts A, B,
D, E, F, G and Ø through software control.
Z Series™ User’s Guide 53
Thu Jun 18 16:02:50 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen