Effect Types and Parameters
Effect Types and Parameters
Table 1
Type Modeled cabinet and speakers
FD COMBO 2x12 Fender Twin Reverb ('65) cabinet with 2x12-inch Jensen speakers
DELUXE-R 1X12 Fender Deluxe Reverb cabinet with 1x12-inch Jensen speaker
FD VIBRO 2x10 Fender Vibroverb ('63) cabinet with 2x10-inch Jensen speakers
US BLUES 4x10 Fender Tweed Bassman cabinet with 4x10-inch Jensen speakers
VX COMBO 2x12 British combo amp cabinet with 2x12-inch Celestion Alnico speakers
VX JMI 2x12
Early model British combo amp cabinet with 2x12-inch Celestion Alnico speakers
BGCRUNCH1x12 Mesa Boogie MkIII cabinet with 1x12-inch Electro Voice speaker
MATCH 30 2x12 Matchless DC30 cabinet with 2x12-inch Celestion speakers
CAR DRIVE 1x12 Carr Mercury cabinet with 1x12-inch Eminence speaker
TW ROCK 1x12 Two Rock Emerald 50 cabinet with 1x12-inch Fane speaker
TONE CITY 4x12 Cabinet with 4x12-inch Fane speakers
HW STACK 4x12 Hiwatt Custom 100 cabinet with 4x12-inch Fane speakers
TANGERINE4x12 OrangeGraphic120cabinetwith4x12-inchCelestionspeakers
B-BREAKER 2x12 Marshall Bluesbreaker cabinet with 2x12-inch Celestion speakers
MS CRUNCH 4x12 Marshall 1959 cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
MS 1959 4x12 Marshall 1959 B cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
MS DRIVE 4x12 Marshall JCM2000 cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
BGNDRIVE4x12 Bogner Ecstasy cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
BGDRIVE4x12 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
DZ DRIVE 4x12 Diezel Herbert cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
ALIEN 4x12 Engl Invader cabinet with 4x12-inch Celestion speakers
REVO-1 4x12 Krank Revolution 1 Plus cabinet with 4x12-inch Eminence speakers
OFF No cabinet used.
Setting Scale used Interval Setting Scale used Interval
6th down 3
3rd up
−5 5th down 4 4th up
−4 4th down 5 5th up
−3 3rd down 6 6th up
3rd down
m 3rd up
Table 2
0 cent
0 cent
0 cent
0 cent
0 cent
+1 octave
+2 octaves
-100 cents
-2 octave
Pedal max
Pedal min
-1 octave + original
-700 cents + original
-∞ (0 Hz) + original
+1 octave + original
+500 cents + original
Detuned + original
+1 octave + original
Pedal max
Pedal min
Table 3