Audio interface manual
The inspector displays information about the track
currently selected If it does not display anything
click on a track to see that track’s status
Create a new audio track
Set-up the audio tracks that were
made as follows.
The project le save location window is displayed.
Set the save location and click the
“OK” button (“Choose” button on
Mac OS X).
This will create a new project and the project
window where most Cubase LE operations are
conducted will open.
Inspector area allows detailed track settings
If the inspector is not shown, click
here to show it (click again to hide it)
Select the track input/output bus.
The names of the
busses assigned in
the VST Connections (Devices menu) will be
Click here to choose a different bus from a menu
that will appear.
To add a new audio track, select “Add Track” from
the “Project” menu and then choose “Audio” from
the sub-menu that appears.