
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
troubleshooting 771
Certificate Authority (CA)
see certificates
Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) 641
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) 634
vs OCSP 653
certificates 633
advantages of 634
and CA 634
and FTP 714
and HTTPS 690
and IKE SA 405
and SSH 709
and VPN gateways 378
and WWW 693
certification path 634, 644, 650
expired 634
factory-default 635
file formats 635
fingerprints 645, 651
importing 638
in IPSec 394
not used for encryption 634
revoked 634
self-signed 634, 640
serial number 644, 651
storage space 637, 647
thumbprint algorithms 636
thumbprints 636
used for authentication 634
verifying fingerprints 635
where used 105
certification requests 641
notices 919
viewing 919
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
(CHAP) 657
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol) 657
checking order 91
CLI 34, 54
button 54
messages 54
popup window 54
Reference Guide 3
client 433
CNM 720
cold start 35
commands 34
sent by Web Configurator 54
Common Event Format (CEF) 727, 733
common services 841
compression (stac) 658
computer names 228, 253, 263, 269
computer virus 464
infection and prevention 477
see also virus
concurrent e-mail sessions 204, 568
information 749
object-based 87
overview 95
web-based SSL application example 660
configuration file
troubleshooting 772
configuration files 737
at restart 740
backing up 740
downloading 741
downloading with FTP 713
editing 737
how applied 738
lastgood.conf 740, 744
managing 740
not stopping or starting the ZyWALL 36
startup-config-bad.conf 740
startup-config.conf 744
syntax 738
system-default.conf 744
uploading 744
uploading with FTP 713
use without restart 737
troubleshooting 766
connection monitor (in SSL) 193
connectivity check 226, 236, 243, 252, 264, 384
console port 35
speed 681
content filter
troubleshooting 760
content filtering 533, 534
and address groups 533, 534, 539