Chapter 37 Maintenance
GS2210 Series User’s Guide
Figure 220 Management > Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade
Type the path and file name of the firmware file you wish to upload to the Switch in the File Path
text box or click Browse to locate it. Select the Rebooting checkbox if you want to reboot the
Switch and apply the new firmware immediately. (Firmware upgrades are only applied after a
reboot). Click Upgrade to load the new firmware.
After the firmware upgrade process is complete, see the System Info screen to verify your current
firmware version number.
Table 147 Management > Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade
Name This is the name of the Switch that you’re configuring.
Version The Switch has two firmware sets, Firmware 1 and Firmware 2, residing in
• Running shows the version number (and model code) and MM/DD/YYYY
creation date of the firmware currently in use on the Switch (Firmware 1 or
Firmware 2). The firmware information is also displayed at System
Information in Basic Settings.
• Firmware 1 shows its version number (and model code) and MM/DD/YYYY
creation date.
• Firmware 2 shows its version number (and model code) and MM/DD/YYYY
creation date.
Current Boot Image This displays which firmware is currently in use on the Switch (Firmware 1 or
Firmware 2).
Config Boot Image Select which firmware (Firmware 1 or Firmware 2) should load, click Apply
and reboot the switch to see changes, you will also see changes in the Current
boot image field above as well.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch
loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the
top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you
are done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Firmware Choose to upload the new firmware to (Firmware) 1 or (Firmware) 2.
File Path Type the path and file name of the firmware file you wish to upload to the Switch
in the File Path text box or click Browse to locate it.
Upgrade Click Upgrade to load the new firmware. Firmware upgrades are only applied
after a reboot. To reboot, go to Management > Maintenance > Reboot
System and click Config 1 or Config 2 (Config 1 and Config 2 are the
configuration files you want the Switch to use when it restarts.