Chapter 13 IP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
ip urlfilter customize reset Clears all customized filtering settings.
ip urlfilter exemptZone
actionFlags type <1-3>
Sets the exempt zone action flags.
ip urlfilter exemptZone add
<ip1> <ip2>
Adds a range of IP addresses for which URL filtering is not
ip urlfilter exemptZone delete
<ip1> <ip2>
Deletes the specified range of IP addresses for which URL
filtering is not conducted.
ip urlfilter exemptZone
Displays the range of IP addresses for which url filtering is
not conducted.
ip urlfilter exemptZone reset
[type <1-3>][enable|disable]
Resets the exempt zone action flags.
ip urlfilter general enable
Enables or disables content filtering.
ip urlfilter general display Displays all content filering settings.
ip urlfilter general exemptZone
Displays the content filtering trusted zone settings.
ip urlfilter general exemptZone
actionFlags type<1-3>
Sets the exempt zone action flags.
ip urlfilter general exemptZone
add <ip1> <ip2>
Adds a trusted user IP range.
ip urlfilter general exemptZone
delete <ip1> <ip2>
Deletes a trusted user IP range.
ip urlfilter general exemptZone
Clears all content filtering trusted zone settings.
ip urlfilter general reset Clears the content filtering settings.
ip urlfilter general
webFeature <block|nonblock>
Blocks or forwards the specified web features including
ActiveX, JAVA, cookies, or web proxy.
ip urlfilter general timeOfDay
[always|from-time to-time]
Sets the content filtering blocking schedule.
from-time,to-time: Enter the format as "hh:mm".
ip urlfilter general
blockingText <text>
Specifies a key word in a web site address you wish to
block access.
ip urlfilter webControl enable Enables content access control (CAC).
ip urlfilter webControl display Displays the CAC settings.
ip urlfilter webControl
logAndBlock [log|block|both]
Enables the action of logging, block or both for matched
web site.
ip urlfilter webControl
category <block|forward> <1-
Blocks or forwards the specified or all web categories. The
command lists you all blocked web categories then. Refer
to Table 31 on page 79 for the categories.
ip urlfilter webControl
serverList display
Displays available CAC server list and their round trip time.
You have to get the Internet access to use this command.
ip urlfilter webControl
serverList refresh
Refreshs and adds the active CAC servers in the list.
Table 30 IP Commands (continued)