NSA-220 User’s Guide
Web Configurator Basics
This chapter describes how to access the NSA web configurator and provides an overview of
its screens.
2.1 Web Configurator Overview
The web configurator is an HTML-based management interface that allows easy NSA setup
and management using an Internet browser. Use Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla Firefox 1.07,
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or later versions of these browsers. The recommended screen
resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels or higher.
In order to use the web configurator you need to allow:
• Web browser pop-up windows from your device. Web pop-up blocking is enabled by
default in Windows XP SP (Service Pack) 2.
• JavaScript (enabled by default).
2.2 Accessing the NSA Web Configurator
Make sure your NSA is properly connected and that your computer is in the same subnet as the
NSA (refer to the Quick Start Guide or the appendices).
2.2.1 Access the NSA Via NDU
If you don’t know the IP address of the NSA, then use the NDU to find it. Refer to the Quick
Start Guide for how to install and run the NDU.