P-334U/P-335U User’s Guide
Chapter 15 Bandwidth Management 177
IPSEC_TUNNEL(ESP:0) The IPSEC ESP (Encapsulation Security Protocol) tunneling protocol
uses this service.
IRC(TCP/UDP:6667) This is another popular Internet chat program.
MSN Messenger(TCP:1863) Microsoft Networks’ messenger service uses this protocol.
MULTICAST(IGMP:0) Internet Group Multicast Protocol is used when sending packets to a
specific group of hosts.
NEW-ICQ(TCP:5190) An Internet chat program.
NEWS(TCP:144) A protocol for news groups.
NFS(UDP:2049) Network File System - NFS is a client/server distributed file service
that provides transparent file sharing for network environments.
NNTP(TCP:119) Network News Transport Protocol is the delivery mechanism for the
USENET newsgroup service.
PING(ICMP:0) Packet INternet Groper is a protocol that sends out ICMP echo
requests to test whether or not a remote host is reachable.
POP3(TCP:110) Post Office Protocol version 3 lets a client computer get e-mail from a
POP3 server through a temporary connection (TCP/IP or other).
PPTP(TCP:1723) Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol enables secure transfer of data
over public networks. This is the control channel.
PPTP_TUNNEL(GRE:0) Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol enables secure transfer of data
over public networks. This is the data channel.
RCMD(TCP:512) Remote Command Service.
REAL_AUDIO(TCP:7070) A streaming audio service that enables real time sound over the web.
REXEC(TCP:514) Remote Execution Daemon.
RLOGIN(TCP:513) Remote Login.
RTELNET(TCP:107) Remote Telnet.
RTSP(TCP/UDP:554) The Real Time Streaming (media control) Protocol (RTSP) is a
remote control for multimedia on the Internet.
SFTP(TCP:115) Simple File Transfer Protocol.
SMTP(TCP:25) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the message-exchange standard for
the Internet. SMTP enables you to move messages from one e-mail
server to another.
SNMP(TCP/UDP:161) Simple Network Management Program.
SNMP-TRAPS(TCP/UDP:162) Traps for use with the SNMP (RFC:1215).
SQL-NET(TCP:1521) Structured Query Language is an interface to access data on many
different types of database systems, including mainframes, midrange
systems, UNIX systems and network servers.
SSH(TCP/UDP:22) Secure Shell Remote Login Program.
STRM WORKS(UDP:1558) Stream Works Protocol.
SYSLOG(UDP:514) Syslog allows you to send system logs to a UNIX server.
TACACS(UDP:49) Login Host Protocol used for (Terminal Access Controller Access
Control System).
Table 64 Commonly Used Services