saving MMS attachments 88
sending in MMS messages 88
assigning photos to contacts 102
emailing photos 100
playing music during slideshow 100
sending in email messages 60
settings 99, 15 9
syncing 12, 15, 97
using photos as wallpaper 102
viewing slideshows 99
zooming photos 99
See also Camera
taking 104
See also Camera, Photos
PIN number 155
playlists, making 81
plug-ins 15 6
downloading 164
streaming 164
syncing 12, 15, 71
pop-ups 15 6
power adapter 21
power, low 44
music 162
ringtones 162
videos 163
text messages 90
problems. See troubleshooting
purchased content
syncing 165, 17 2
applications 167
iTunes content 72
music 160, 162
ringtones 162
videos 163
push accounts 18, 151
reading email 61
Recents, using to call someone 47
rechargeable batteries 44
backups 203
SIM card 201
rented movies 83
movies 15
videos 163
repeating 76
replacing battery 44, 206
replying to messages 60
requirements for using iPhone 9
reset iPhone 46
resizing webpage columns 67
restarting 46
restoring iPhone software 204
restoring settings and information 203
restrictions, setting 146
ring mode 28, 54, 141
adjusting volume 27, 141
turning on or o 141
Ring/Silent switch 28, 54
previewing 162
purchasing 162
setting 55, 141
syncing 12
rotor control 185
routing calls back through iPhone 56
AutoFill 69, 15 6
bookmarking webpages 69
clearing cache 15 7
cookies 15 7
Debug Console 157
developer settings 157
fraud warning 15 6
Home screen web clips 70
navigating 67
opening webpages 66, 68
plug-ins 15 6
pop-ups 15 6
reloading webpages 67
resizing columns to t screen 67
saving images to your Photo Library 67
searching the web 69
security 15 6
sending webpage addresses in email 67
settings 15 6
stopping webpages from loading 67
syncing bookmarks 12, 14
typing in text elds 68
zooming webpages 67
satellite view 11 8
screen 142
setting to adjust automatically 142
using 28
screen reader 11
about 29
maps 11 5
webpages 67