If user wants to access the phone menu need
to enter the phone code (By Default is
0000 ).
Settings Security Lock Code (presetcode
is 0000 ) Lock Phone OK(Unlock, Lock,
On Poweron) select any ofthe option OK.
User can change the Lock Code using
change codemenu.
Settings Security Lock Code (presetcode
is 0000 ) Change Code Enter New
Code OK Confirm New Lock Code OK.
Allows user to restore phone to the factory
Settings Security Lock Code (presetcode
is 0000 ) Reset to Default OK.
User can lock/unlock the UIM using this
5.2.3Resetto default
If user enable the PIN and reboot the phone.
Phone willask for PIN.
By defaultthe UIM PIN is1234.
Settings Security Lock Code (presetcode
is 0000 ) PIN Management Enable
PIN OK Enter PIN (by default1234) OK.
: if user enter wrong UIM PIN wrong 15
times, it block the UIM. In this condition
phone will ask PUK (PIN Unblocking Key)
Number, which is available with the Service
Settings Security Lock Code (presetcode
is 0000 ) PIN Management Disable
PIN OK Enter PIN (by default1234) OK.
User can change the UIM PIN if PIN is
already enabled
Enable PIN:
Disable PIN:
Change PIN: