LG Electronics G5200 Cell Phone User Manual

Alert [Menu 1-4-3]
If you select this menu, your phone will beep when Cell broadcast
message is received.
If you select this menu, your phone will not beep despite Cell
broadcast message is received.
Language [Menu 1-4-4]
You can select the language you want. Then your phone will receive
the cell broadcast message in your chosen language.
Topics(Dependent to network and subscription)
[Menu 1-4-5]
If you select this menu, you will add the CB message category in
Phone memory with its nickname.
View list
If you select this menu, you can see CB message category which
you added. If you press [Option], you can edit and delete CB
message category which you added.
Active list
You can select the CB message category in active list by pressing
Messages [Menu 1]
Accessing the Menu