• Template
- Te xt: You can easily insert
frequently used sentences in the
text message.
- Multimedia: Preset multimedia
templates are available.
- Signature: Input your own
created signature. For further
details, see page 51.
• More: Allows you to insert
Subject, vCard, vCalendar, vNote,
vTask or Contact.
Note: vCard, vCalendar, vNote, vTask
and Contact are created by the
Address Book, Calendar, Notepad
and Tasks functions. Go to the
corresponding sections for more
detailed information.
Using Options
to use the options below.
• Text Entry Settings
- Text Entry Language: Allows
you to set the text entry
language to English, Français,
Español or Korean.
- Show/Hide Word Candidate
List: When in T9 Entry Mode,
you can see the word candidates
as you type.
- Next Word Prediction On/Off
- T9 Dictionary: Here you can
add/delete/reset/modify words
to the T9 Dictionary.