E-mail accounts - You can set
up an email account.
Allow reply e-mail - Determines
whether to allow sending a read
confi rmation mail for a read
confi rmation mail request.
Request reply e-mail -
Determines whether to request a
read confi rmation mail.
Retrieve interval - Choose how
often your GU285 checks for new
email messages.
Retrieve amount - Choose how
many e-mails are retrieved in
selected time.
Include message in fwd &
reply - Choose whether or not to
include the original message.
Include attachment - Choose
whether or not to include the
original attachment.
Auto retrieval in roaming -
Choose whether or not to
automatically retrieve your
messages when roaming.
New e-mail notification -
Choose whether or not to be
alerted to new emails.
Signature - Switch this feature
on and Create an email signature.
Priority - Choose the priority level
of your email messages.
Changing your other settings
Voicemail - You can edit the
Service message - Here you can
switch off Service message, which
means your messages will no longer
be pushed directly to your device
as they are received, only when you
check for new messages. You can
also change your service message
Info. service - Choose the Cell
broadcast, channels and language of
your info messages.